76c Pleasant Road

Glen Eden

This is a garage sale on April 27, 8.30am - 1.00pm.

1 day only - Clearing out a house so lots of household items. Lots of kitchenware and bric a brac. TV, fridge and freezer. Some beautiful china - perfect for mothers day gifts or collectors. Display cabinets and old writing desks, kitchen table and chairs, shelves and coffee tables. Bar and bar stools. Lots of interesting pieces collected in their travels. Large international doll collection and some porcelain dolls. Old record player and other vintage pieces from the 70's. Framed needlework and paintings. and more........ Piano free for removal. Please park on the street and walk down the driveway. DO NOT Park on the drive.

8.30am - 1.00pm

TIP: Leave your street number off your advertisement if you have a short street - it will save you the unwanted early bird!